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Invitation to Participate in Global Biodynamic Stirring and Spraying

June 17, 2011

We are pleased to pass on an invitation initiated by members of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada, which is being circulated to biodynamic associations throughout the world:

Dear Friends,

You are invited to participate in world wide Bio-dynamic 500/501 preparation stirring and spraying activity between the dates of 21-June (Solstice) and 26-June of this year.

This event is in commemoration of the 150th Birthday of Rudolf Steiner who was the originator of Biodynamic Agriculture which is now being done around the world. The preparations he introduced have increasingly been used to help heal the earth since 1924.

If you want more information on the preparations, you can start with this link:

The basic idea is to have farm, garden, neighbourhood, community, and even back-yard stirrings done at around the same time as a potent world energizer in commemoration of Rudolf Steiner. Also, to bring awareness to the healing now being done to help the earth on a regular basis at many places.

So find some friends to help make it happen or find a stirring in your area and join in!

Contact your local Biodynamic Association to get the preparation or contacts.

You are also invited to translate this message into other languages and to pass the message on using email, Facebook, etc.

For information about obtaining biodynamic preparations in the United States and Canada, visit the Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics (JPI) and/or contact your regional biodynamic group.

One Comment leave one →
  1. June 20, 2011 4:19 pm

    what a great idea, I hope it reaches many people as it is already the 21rst..

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